When I visited New Zealand in February 2013, the weather was idyllic. Colorful sunrises and breathtaking sunsets bracketed days of blue sky, puffy clouds, and golden light. The weather during my trip to Iceland, however, has been almost the exact opposite. First, there exists no sunrise or sunset, because the sun is always in the sky—or so I gather by the general, white glow that permeates the air through heavy cloud cover. Second, it rained almost constantly, about 87% of the time according to my figures.
I’ve been trying to decide this morning whether Iceland or New Zealand is more beautiful, and I was looking back at some of my favorite photos from NZ and comparing them to a few preliminary favorites from Iceland. The NZ photos are rich with contrast, extreme angles of light casting beautifully long shadows across the the landscape. The Iceland photos are shades of grey, most of the color brought out through manipulation of the RAW images using the Adobe Camera RAW conversion tools in Photoshop. Rarely can shadows be seen. After all, how can a shadow exist without a directed source of light?
There can be beauty in subtlety, however, and I worked as hard as I possibly could to find it. While many of the images I took and will wind up printing don’t immediately appeal to the sensibilities that most people share when it comes to what makes a generically “good” photograph, I think at least several of my shots match the best of those from NZ in composition and beauty.
As to which country is more beautiful…well, I really cannot decide. Much of the time in Iceland, anything above a hundred or so feet was shrouded in cloud, so I didn’t get to see vast swathes of the countryside. While I do wish the weather had been more cooperative, I can say with certainty that Iceland has an otherworldliness to it the likes of which I’ve never seen. It’s simply beyond my capabilities to accurately describe the truly bizarre nature of some of the landscapes I’ve witnessed. In my lifetime, it’s probably the closest I’ll come to visiting another planet.